When I first learned of George Floyd’s death, I wept—deep, aching sobs. I felt and still feel completely inept and ill equipped to be the right kind of ally.
Radiant Health Statement of Solidarity and Action
I don’t have the right words or the right delivery. And I’m so incredibly sorry. While my understanding of my own white privilege has grown as I’ve purposefully undertaken the task of learning, I will never be able to grasp the fear and pain of historical oppression felt by my friends, coworkers and acquaintances of color. I can’t walk in their shoes. I can and will, however, do a better job of listening. I will speak up when I see inequity. I will lend my voice when others are struggling to be heard. And I will lead in a way that acknowledges my need to learn more, shines light on my blind spots and course correct when an inequity is revealed as I’m held accountable.
At Family Service Society we frequently say, “when one is diminished, all are diminished.” With that in mind, we are committed to creating and maintaining an equal opportunity service environment. This is our way of ensuring everyone has a voice, respect, safety and the opportunity to thrive to the fullest. Family Service Society is committed to helping EVERY ONE who needs to process their trauma regardless of its source. I hope you will join me and Family Service Society as allies to those in our community who have been diminished. And as allies, let’s listen deeply, address the inequities in our community by addressing the policies and practices that led to these inequities and make the changes necessary. We are called to take massive action and create powerful impact. One person at a time. One inequity at a time. One Grant County.