Try this Mental Workout of the Day (MWOD) to take a big step towards living a better, brighter life.

MWOD 002 – Embrace the Day
Mental Workout of the Day 002
Every new day is a fresh start and an opportunity. Starting off your morning strong sets the tone and can have a massive impact on how you feel throughout the day. Here are some tips to amp up your morning routine and help prevent stress throughout the day:
- 1x Put that phone down
- 5x Downward Dog Stretch
- 1x Make your bed
- 1x Drink 12oz of water
- 10x body weight squats
Why it Works
The Phone. We know how easy it is to reach for the phone first thing when you wake up. However, it can easily lead down a rabbit hole of distraction and start your day off with stressful news, messages from work, and more. Take some time to wake up before turning to the devices.
Stretching. A quick stretch will get your blood flowing for the day and loosen any muscles that may have tightened up while you slept. Touch your toes, do some knee hugs, doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just move around.
Making the Bed. While it might not seem important, making your bed first thing allows you to successfully complete a task right away, which then builds momentum to continue doing more for the rest of the day.
Drinking Water. A glass of water first thing in the morning can kick start the metabolism and help you rehydrate. After all, you haven’t had any liquids for the past 8 hours so you should be thirsty!
Exercising. This isn’t just for your physical health; exercise prompts the brain to release more chemicals that make you happy and affect your mood. You don’t need to go to the gym and throw around heavy barbells, a simple 10 minute walk is all it takes!