Try this Mental Workout of the Day (MWOD) to take a big step towards living a better, brighter life.

MWOD 003 – Good Morning’s
Mental Workout of the Day 003
Good morning! Starting off the day right is important. Within the first 15 minutes of waking up, we can check off some very important todos on our daily mental health list. Getting in the habit of kicking off the day on a positive will set the tone and lead to a more positive outlook throughout the day.
- 1x Good Morning Stretches
- 5x Good Morning Text Messages
- 1x Good Morning Phone Call

Why it Works
The Stretches. A quick stretch will get your blood flowing for the day and loosen any muscles that may have tightened up while you slept. Touch your toes, do some knee hugs, doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just move around.
The Texts. A text message is a super easy way to reach out to someone, let them know you’re thinking about them, and get something encouraging back in return. Try to reach out to someone you haven’t heard from in a while. If you’re missing them, it’s a good bet they’re missing you as well.
The Phone Call. Talking to people is very important for mental health. Even if it’s a 30 second phone call, hearing someone’s voice, saying good morning, and telling them you care can go a LONG way.