Whether you’re a soccer fan or not, chances are you have witnessed some of the excitement surrounding the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Especially after the U.S. pulled through with an amazing win against Ghana last …

Why You Should Watch the World Cup
This international tournament that takes place every four years, summons the attention of soccer fans across the globe. But what they may not realize is that watching the World Cup may actually lead to a healthier life.
Last night, I watched the U.S. versus Ghana match at JK O’Donnell’s in Fort Wayne, and I can honestly say it was one of the funnest experiences of my life. More than 50 people proudly wearing red, white and blue were packed into the Family Room where the game was projected onto a wall. When Dempsey scored a goal for the U.S. within the first 30 seconds of the game, the room went wild. Everyone jumped from their seats and cheered, and high-fives and hugs were exchanged. In that moment and throughout the rest of the game, there were no strangers in the room – we were all on the same team.
You may be wondering – how exactly does cramming 50 people into a small back room to watch the World Cup improve their health? Well, experts have discovered that sports fans are healthier – emotionally, socially, and psychologically. It is believed that the health benefits of being a sports fan are a result of the sense of community that comes from watching the games with others. Rooting for a particular team meets our human desire to belong because we automatically become a part of a community with other fans. According to psychology professor Daniel Wann, sports fans are more likely to have higher self-esteem and less likely to have feelings of loneliness.
So, cancel your plans Sunday night, grab a group of friends and join the community of U.S. soccer fans across the country for the match against Portugal. Don’t be afraid to jump up and down, exchange some high fives and chant U-S-A. Not only will you have a great night with friends, but it will also improve your health!