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It just takes a few minutes to sign up and get fast, easy access to care, 24/7. No need for your insurance card yet.

When You Know Better, You Do Better

A signature statement throughout all of Family Service Society is “when you know better, you do better.” This is how we challenge ourselves to always be learning and improving.

Our continuous improvement path leads us to seek the best possible solutions for clients including those from Hands of Hope who are domestic violence, stalking and sexual assault victims and survivors.  Five years ago we set out to learn more about how to better serve this population as we could see that residential shelter based services were less and less in demand in our community while incidences of domestic violence, stalking and sexual assault were not similarly on the decline.

Programs in Iowa and the state of Washington had pivoted to mobile based advocacy and were seeing exponentially more individuals served and more effectively served.  Over the last two years, in our own office, the outreach advocate was seeing significant growth in clients served as the shelter spent more and more nights empty.  It was time to learn more.

We talked to survivors during facilitated focus groups and heard directly from them about what they actually needed.  Wow!  We were missing the mark.  They needed fast access to independence—a confidential case manager to give them guidance and be a caring support, help getting personal documents and money together for housing, reliable transportation, access to clinical counseling and a safe place to attend groups.

It was time for us to make a decision—now that we knew better, we had to do better.

As of September 1st, the Flannery Keal Home will no longer be providing residential care and instead will be called the Flannery Keal Center and home to all of our domestic violence, stalking and sexual assault services.  Mobile advocates are active and in the field meeting with victims and survivors wherever they feel safe and ready to receive services.  Groups are available and free individual therapy services can be arranged.  Advocates are trained and ready to assist victims and survivors with everything from safety planning to attending court hearings when needed.  They are available for law enforcement to call to scenes and the hospital to contact when victims arrive at the ER.

Based upon the results of those organizations across the nation who have gone before us, we also expect to serve two to four times more individuals.  Currently, residential shelter based services serve less than 5% of all victims.* That’s not good enough.  We know better.  It’s time we do better.

Thank you for your continued support of all our programs and services and particularly Hands of Hope as we make this critical and meaningful change to better service victims and survivors.  We’re very excited about this change and know many questions will arise.  Please go to our frequently asked questions page to learn more about the change.  If you happen to have questions not answered by those already noted on the website, please send your question directly to me at and I will respond as soon as I’m able.

Together we know better and we’re doing better.

* Information  provided by ICADV

Hi there.
We're Radiant Health.

As of January 18, 2023, Grant Blackford Mental Health and Family Services Society, two organizations that merged in April 2022, rebranded under the unified name Radiant Health.

We’re excited for you to meet the new us, and to get a chance to help work together on the new you.

How we help.

When you’re in the middle of it, addiction can feel like a dead-end road. We know for certain that it isn’t. Just like any mental health challenge, addiction is an obstacle on our path. And, with some innovation and hardwork, we can work our way around it. On the other side of that obstacle is a bright future with healthy relationships, purpose-driven life, and a profound joy that’s been missing for all too long.

What do we mean?

Like so many things, mental health is passed down through families. Through behaviors, mirroring, and conditioning, we learn so much of what we know from those closest to us. Oftentimes that’s for the better, sometimes it’s not. At Radiant Health, we’re here to help ensure that your family makes purpose and joy as hereditary as any trait you might pass down to future generations. With a bit of hard word, together, we can make joy run in your family. 

What is Better?

Better ≠ perfect. Better means a path of continuous improvement; of evolution. When we focus on getting 1% better, 1% brighter every single day., we’re able to see the joy in the moment, while feeling the pride that comes with taking the reins over your life and working hard on yourself.  Here at Radiant, to focus on your future, we move towards it one achievable step at a time. 

What is Better Care?

When we talk about “brighter, better care” through our specialized services it boils down to 3 simple ideas. First, better care is safer care. Our facilities and staff are trained and equipped to offer safe, secure facilities during any stay. Second, better care is a respect for dignity. We believe in the dignity of every human being and we treat each person with the same level of respect. Finally, better care is the pursuit of purpose. Our treatment is designed with the firm belief that every person has purpose and, through it, finds joy.

What to Expect?

At Radiant Health you can expect a warmth and cheer that are rare in the mental health space. We believe firmly that the commitment to mental health is a commitment to finding purpose, but also discovering joy in the pursuit of it. Walking through our doors is a simple and transparent process. You’ll begin with an initial consultation with our expert staff, developing a blueprint, and taking that first step towards incremental improvement.