Good morning and Happy Monday!
“Spring” Cleaning
Wow! What a great weekend! Gorgeous temperatures. Sunshine. We spent our days cleaning up debris from the yard and doing the annual spring doggie doo clean-up. I hear you giggling. If you have a dog, you know what I mean. The snow has finally melted and you can find the “hidden treasure.”
Here’s our primary contributor, Husker:
Being outside and cleaning up got me inspired to start tackling some indoor cleaning projects as well. I have a hit list for over the coming weeks that will help me sort through and cast off the old—clothes that really don’t fit my life anymore; appliances that were given to me by relatives who really don’t know me; and the random collections of things that I have acquired over the years that I may no longer love. I love to purge my way through the house—makes me feel amazing.
The key to a great purge is to do it one category at a time and do ALL of that category. For example, clothes is for a little later this week. I’ll go through every item in my closet and drawers as well as the coat closet and make a pile of the things I no longer love. You know the items—the ones you think, I may want to wear that someday.
If you’re starting in the kitchen, begin with utensils (how many spatulas does one household really need?) and move to portable appliances like blenders, steamers, etc.
Keep what you love, get rid of the rest. The other great thing about doing a spring purge is you can get a feel for what you truly need. I like to keep a running list of items that are worn out and need to be replaced.
This week I challenge you to set aside a small amount of time and tackle one purge category—maybe it’s your refrigerator (that’s mine for tonight), or your coat closet, or a “junk drawer.” See how liberating it is to cast off the things you no longer need and make room for new opportunities, experiences and even things, to come into your life. Have a GREAT week!