I spent Saturday hiking with a friend through Matea Park and Nature Preserve north of Ft. Wayne. I highly recommend the trails there!

Off Trail
They are very well kept, low traffic, beautiful views. Mostly easy hiking with some moderate sections. I had my trekking poles and was grateful to use them on a couple more difficult sections. Plus…I like to go off trail at times to check something out.
Speaking of off trail—do you ever feel like your own life is in a rut (on the trail) and there’s this whole other part of you that’s desperate to go “off trail”? The trail represents where you are expected to go and the choices you make along the way are to follow trails that others have previously blazed. And while you’re on the cleared path, that nagging little voice in the back of your head gets louder and louder until you finally take the plunge and go for it!
Now, you’re off trail. It’s difficult terrain. No one understands why you’re “taking the hard way” UNTIL you give birth to something magnificent. Maybe it’s a hobby you’ve always dreamed of doing; solo world travel; creating a business; writing a book; training for and completing an Ironman Triathlon; or creating a program that feeds the hungry. Whatever your IT is, you’ll need to go off trail at times to find it.