My favorite husband (so far) and I spent Sunday helping close friends of ours move from one house to another.
Make time to Love Inconveniently
We cleaned the new house, scrubbing it of its former owners and memories and preparing it to make new ones. We lined shelves and carefully organized the stuff of life—spices, coffee, dishes, books, etc. We moved furniture from room to room for the best fit. And most importantly, we planned for the best location of their dog’s chair.
Another set of friends stopped by to see their new home and they teased us that we were better friends than they were because we were willing to help with the move. That’s not true—they had helped on the packing side of the equation—however it made me stop and think. We love our friends and we would do anything for them…even be inconvenienced on a Sunday to help them make this transition in their lives. Love is like that…inconvenient.
Love shows itself best in those moments that we make choices to set our own agendas aside and step into the gap to help someone else accomplish theirs. It’s ironing the shirt for your loved one who is running tight on time. Or setting aside your personal to-do list to make dinner and take it to an ailing friend. Or taking the newspaper up to the door of an elderly neighbor so they don’t have to walk out to the driveway. These acts of love change us for the good.
This week, I challenge you to “love inconveniently!” Your willingness to be inconvenienced does not go unnoticed!