Happy Recovery Month! What a wonderful thing to celebrate the over 25 million people who are in active recovery!

Happy Recovery Month
The definition of recovery is “a return to normal state of health, mind, or strength. The action process of regaining possession or control of something that was lost”. Stop for a moment and let this definition sink in, “returning, health, strength, action, control”. What a prevailing and sacred way to live life, yet all too often, instead of beauty in recovery, society chooses stigmas over stories.
Famous author and researcher, Dr. Brené Brown, has spent years studying shame and vulnerability. The following is a quote of Dr. Brown’s that I share with clients, “When we find the courage to share our experiences and the compassion to hear others tell their stories, we FORCE shame out of hiding and end the silence.” Again, dear reader, think of this courage + compassion = the absence of shame. One of the components of shame with which I see my clients struggle is stigmas. “Addicts, dirty screens, crackheads, selfish, criminals, bad parents, bad people, welfare leeches” the list of stigmas can go on and on. The lack of compassion from society that pushes sick people into the shade and robs them of courage; feeding shame. The tidal wave of stigmas for persons with substance use disorder and their families who love them is overwhelming. And yet….hope calls, recovery whispers…health, strength, action, control…stories not stigmas.
My friends, this is where I briefly step in to share my story as a substance use disorder and mental health counselor at Family Service Society, Inc. Do you remember the workings of driving out shame; courage and compassion? I work for an agency where compassion is at the heart of every action. It flows like energy through each employee. It welcomes each client to come, take courage, and tell their story fully. Our substance use treatment program includes trauma treatment such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), groups like Seeking Safety, and partners with the community to serve alongside Family Recovery Courts, which help provide the catalyst for generational change.
Passion for change at FSSI sees the stigmas and equips their employees with effective tools to help people shape newer, healthier stories where stigmas cannot stay. 25 million people celebrate recovery this September. 25 million people wait to share their stories. Each breath, each phrase, each sentence, cause stigmas to weaken, shame to flee, and courage and compassion to rise and change to flow; an energizing restoration. We are stronger together!