It was recently brought to the attention of the Grant County community, that we are ranked third in the state for giving to charities based off of income.

Grant County Generosity
Whether this giving is through United Way unified giving and distribution, or through incredible impact made by Community Foundation of Grant County, or through other amazing organizations. The community of Grant County should be proud and encouraged by this ranking. As Marion Mayor Wayne Seybold stated in the Chronicle article “County generosity near top” on October 19, “I have always said our strongest assets are the people. We always, not sometimes, come together in need” Being in the top three counties in community giving, does not happen by one donor, or even a few a donors. Often when it comes to giving, we think of those that can give large gifts, but not of those who give smaller gifts. But there are many ways to give, whether it is giving at the grass roots, or it is giving in big chunks every dollar counts.
The Grant County community generosity makes a huge impact on the organizations receiving the funds. Organizations who work to influence the youth (like Boys and Girls Club), or those who work with the education system, with the homeless, families, elderly, those in need of medical care, and so many more are grateful for every donation, big or small. Every organization works hard to receive the funds they need to keep their organization running well. The Grant County community responds well to the request of each organization. By the represented ranking, it is clear the people of the community understand the need to support the organizations in the community.
Every person that helps support the organizations of Grant County should be proud of their contribution to helping their community thrive. Even if the donation is as small as a dollar, this dollar was used to help another person in their community. Whether this was through helping a child receive better education, a homeless person receiving a meal, a family receiving better housing, an elderly person receiving quality care, or an ill person receiving medical attention, every dollar is needed.
Grant County as a whole is a giving community. The people in the community (no matter the income) see a need to give back to the community in some way. Some may not be able to give in giant dollar amounts, but the amount they give makes a giant difference! Every donation is important to the success and betterment of the community.
Praise and thanks to people making a difference in the lives of friends, neighbors and those they may not have met. Gift giving brings forward the best of everyone.