I am absolutely beside myself with joy today as I look out my office window and see the golden rays of the run caressing the sign of the Country Café and Bakery. I’m solar powered …

Finding and Holding Space
As our family transitions from “our son HAS cancer” to “our son HAD cancer” we’ve found ourselves in a bit of a tailspin. Emotionally we wait as if there’s a “but” no one told us about. We’re in recovery financially from the last nine months of treatment and travel for care. We’re having to renegotiate our family relationships to make room for someone who is recovering not just from illness but from significant medical trauma. We’re having to admit feelings like fear, irritation, anger, gratitude and love—all jumbled together in a unique psychic cocktail. And it’s at this time we find it particularly important to hold space for ourselves and one another. We each need a safe place to bounce around and through all the various feelings and know there is only love awaiting us.
Just like our family has to hold space for one another, we as a community must do the same for one another. We are charged with holding the space for others to be fully themselves and be celebrated for their uniqueness. Each person who enters our community is greeted with the respect and love that is awaiting them. Now THAT is truly changing lives for GOOD!